I'm sure this is shocking, but L and I love food shows. On the Travel Channel is a show called Man vs Food. The man, Adam Richman, travels around the country trying to break food records set in various restaurants. The 4 pound blueberry pancake is one of my favorites (he didn't finish it) and the cheeseburger the size of a frisbee is memorable as well. Usually he'll find some local schmoe to challenge him and see which of them can eat this ridiculous amount of food. So, L read somewhere that they were going to be taping the show at a hot dog joint called Woody's in downtown Hartford this past Friday, and he was going to have lunch there to check it out. Then Friday morning he saw on Hartfordcourant.com that they would actually be shooting at Doogie's in Newington, also a hot dog joint and much closer to our house. Adam Richman was set to be there between 4:30 and 5:30, so L went to the gym early and he and I met there at 5. Neither of us had been to this place before, and when I say the place is tiny it is an understatement. So we stood in line, outside in the 40 degree weather, for about 40 minutes and waited to get into Doogie's. We finally get in and its about 5:30 and we find out that Adam's not even there yet. People are packed in. PACKED in. So we order our hot dogs, L's with grilled onions, mine with cheese. L got sweet potato fries, I got onion rings. We get our food and we stand there, because there's only about 5 tables and people were just sitting there. So finally some woman comes out and says that unless you are eating, you need to leave because it is a fire hazard. But these people had one little bite of their hot dog sitting there and claimed they were still eating even though that one bite had been sitting there for 30 minutes. Then, because no one got up and different woman came out and said that everyone needed to get out. Unless you were in line, you needed to leave and they would pick people at random to come back in. So L and I once again stood in the cold, this time eating our hot dogs, sweet potato fries and onion rings. Not so enjoyable. Finally, finally, finally, Adam shows up. In a grimy gray van, laying down in the back seat as if he was Brad Pitt. They pull in the parking lot and he lays in the back for a while and then finally, finally, finally gets out. He waves and smiles and says thank you for coming out and watching the show. It turns out he wasn't doing a food challenge at all... he was just there to.. I don't even know, eat a hot dog and maybe talk about the restaurant a bit on his show. Very disappointing, especially since L was all reved up to challenge Adam to a hot dog eating contest of some sort since he had just come from the gym and was set to eat.
So to recap, we spent an hour and a half at Doogie's on the Berlin Turnpike, majority of which was out in the cold. We each ate a cold hot dog and sides. We saw Adam Richman of Man vs Food and he didn't even eat anything. And to top it off he looked a bit like my high school band director. An interesting Friday night.
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