Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You'll love this story

I strongly believe that the earlier people put up their Christmas decorations, the more ridiculous the decorations tend to be. For example~~ there's a cute little house up the street from us that has been on and off the market for over a year. Finally some people with New Jersey plates moved in a few weeks ago. Last weekend, Gordo and I noticed them putting poles in the ground in the front of their yard. Fence, we thought. The next morning, I left to go to work and there it was. Great. Big. Candy. Canes. And then I looked closer. Teeny. Tiny. Snowman. ON Candy Canes. And the tour de force~ Santa. A very lifelike scary Santa.

I was mesmerized by this monstrosity. So, I took Rex for a walk and brought along my camera. As I shot the Scary Santa photo, Mr. New Jersey came out to get his mail. I probably jumped three feet in the air. "We love your decorations!" I said through my embarrassment. (By 'we' he probably thought I meant Rex and I). "Very festive!" I said, digging myself deeper into my hole of shame. "Thank you very much" said Mr. New Jersey. "Not even halfway done." "Really?" I said, trying not to sound shocked. "Not even halfway" He said again. "Looking forward to it" As Rex and I walked away. I was, and am, embarrassed for myself for getting caught taking pictures of this man's gaudy lawn decorations, but equally embarrassed for his lawn and home that it has to endure this nonsense for the next several weeks. I mean, its not even Thanksgiving. *Let me be clear that this isn't a religion thing. I really do like tasteful Christmas decorations. I love ornaments and Christmas trees. I love me a good Christmas carol. In fact, I really love a good Christmas carol. Even a bad one, really. But Christmas decorations should be reserved for after Thanksgiving. And I'm not biased against bad decorations. Good ones should wait too. Good decorations just seem to understand that they need to wait.

By the way, these pictures would have been much better had I not been caught in the act.


  1. Haha that's hilarious, something that would have happened to me as well.

  2. Debbie said...

    My mom and I read this and laughed out loud not once but 3 times, because I pictured you as I'm sure, everyone who knows you and read this, that your reaction to getting caught in the act, would have been priceless. My little Jewish Friend!

  3. Debbie says....Holy f ing shit those candy canes are huge and god awful. I just looked back at the picture and they are as big as the telephone poles behind them. Here is a thought each night at about 2 am get a bat and take each one down until they are all gone. cuz those are bad and no neighborhood should be subjected to this esp. by the new guy to the neighborhood. Mr New Jersey needs to go home.

  4. New decorations have been put up the last few days!!! I will need to find a coy way to photograph them and will update with new pictures.
