Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have traveled the same stretch of I-84 for the last seven years. Back and forth, back and forth. I'm not good with directions, so I don't veer off my path. The last few springs I have noticed something awesome. Traveling east bound, home after a long day there are 2 geese who have taken up residence in the grass just inches off the highway, just into Chesire. In early spring they are alone, just the two of them. Hanging out and chillin in the tall weeds. And then in mid May it happens. Little baby gooses. And there the family hangs out every afternoon when I drive by. Picking at the grass, basking in the sun, enjoying each other's company. I love everything about this. I love the sight of this little family, two adults and their chicks. I love that they are so close to this very dangerous highway, and yet act as if they have not a care in the world. When I first saw them years ago, I worried for the day that I would drive by and they would be gone, victims of highway travel. But I think they are smarter than that, these gooses. I think they know something I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. sweet story! ps: did you know the plural of goose is geese? :-P
