Monday, October 18, 2010

Belly Buttons

I am finding myself increasingly obsessed with whether or not my belly button is going to pop out. Sound ridiculous? Let's put it this way~ For 32 years I have had an innie. A regular, normal, innie. 32 years is a long time, kids!

And now, as each day and week go by and my belly gets bigger and bigger for the ever growing Bean, my belly button is just moments away from popping. Protruding. Becoming an outie.

It really isn't the outie itself that bothers me. Outies don't bother me, I think they are kind of cute. It's just... will it hurt? Will I feel it pop out? Will it stay like that forever? Will I feel it pop back in?

I find my self touching my belly button through my shirt and everyday it seems to be flatter, less like a hole and more like, well, a button. Every night I look at it in the mirror and wonder if my innie will be gone in the morning. Every time I cough or sneeze or laugh I put my hand on my belly and feel it protrude and wonder if this will be the time.

I'll keep you posted. I know everyone is concerned with my belly button as I am.

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