Everyday I have to stop and remind myself of my New Year's Resolutions. Especially the one about staying calm and not getting worked up about stuff. You know, like how my job sucks ass and how everyone around me is pregnant and having babies and how Penny has an intestinal parisite *again* and how I've had a headache everyday for the last ..... days. So what I've been trying to do is to search out the positive. More specifically, to really notice and acknowledge things that make me happy. Especially the small things, things that I never realized make me happy. And you know what? It's actually working a bit. On top of which, it's interesting. Such small seemingly stupid things.
You know what makes me happy? Matching pajamas. Pajamas where the top and bottom match. For years and years I've been wearing random t-shirts with random bottoms, and then I recently found this awesome pj set in the bottom of a drawer. They are light blue with penguins on them. What a great find! So cute! So fun! When I obtain some more money, I shall buy myself some more. (Tina Fey was wearing these awesome ones on "30 Rock" recently that had cupcakes on them!)
You know what else I love? Stew Leonard's. Sometimes I get really wrapped up, comparing Gordo and my relationship to what I think it "should be" or what other people have. We love to go to Stew's. We walk through, we see the new food, see the weird people, sample the awesome samples. Some people have fancy resturants, we have Stew's. And that, my friends, is okay with me.
Nail polish makes me happy. Looking at pretty painted nails is nice! Warm and fuzzy. It makes me happy.
I've also realized that on days when I dress nice for work, I usually feel better about myself. Granted, on days when I'm just khakis and long sleeve tee I'm comfier, but that's not what we're talking about here. I guess I feel like more of a "professional adult" when I've got on fancy shoes and pants. Which is all well and good, but let's be honest here, it ain't gonna happen often.
My husband's stupid jokes make a happy.
Rex wagging his tail when I walk into the room makes me happy.
Penny sleeping between my legs, resting her head on my shin makes me happy.
Going to Washington DC over April vacation makes me happy.
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