And now a word from Straight No Chaser...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Green with...

Things I am jealous of today~
*Anyone who has snow on the ground or falling from the sky. Three days til Christmas and we haven't even had the ground covered with snow? My heart aches for snow.
*Anyone who is already on vacation. Being a school teacher, I know that I am blessed with what everyone sees as a plethora of vacation time, but good grief this month is dragging...
*Anyone who was able to sleep past 6am this morning. Getting out of bed is tough! I can't wait to sleep and sleep and sleep on Friday.
*Deb. Because she has her baby in her arms.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friends, babies and accapella
My dear friend VAM commented to my last post "can we talk about something? YOU'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)".
We have: A crib. A dresser/changing table. A glider/rocking chair. A car seat. Lots, no tons, of the cutest little outfits. A lot of diapers and wipes.
In other words, we have a lot of what we need.
Now we need to have a baby.
My Dee had her baby today. A little boy who doesn't have a name yet. I am filled with jealousy that she is holding her baby already. I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. I can't wait for our boys to be buddies.
Yes, VAM I'm having a baby. Fourteen years ago we were in high school, loving marching band and Ponderosa and driving around being stupid. And in five weeks I am having a baby and will be responsible for another human being.
Half of me is tearing up inside out of fear. Half of me is grinning from ear to ear like a little kid.
The grin from ear to ear is definitely taking over the fear. Thank goodness.
Can we talk for a minute about how lucky this child will be that I don't have to "do" his hair, just merely comb it? I seriously can hardly do my own hair. Its really disconcerting that at 32 years old I don't know how to properly use a curling iron.
Can we also talk for a minute about how much I love Straight No Chaser and how much you should love them too? I mean, try and tell me this isn't one of the most beautiful things you've ever heard in your life. Seriously, try.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday was quite possibly my last concert at this school. It went well except that the cd skipped on the last song, which was of course the one they worked the hardest on. I guess that's what I get for not being a better piano player. Very few people actually said "Good job", but I was happy with it and they really did sing well. I was proud of them.
Question: If someone makes you a diaper cake, are you suppose to unroll the diapers and actually use them? Or are those just decorative diapers not meant for baby wearing?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Showers of love
My baby shower went something like this...
Torrential downpours.
Torrential tears.
A Tiara.

Lots of presents.

An awesome blue cake.
Lots of things to put away.
Lots of love.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I really wanted to write a post about how John Lennon died 30 years ago today. This morning I even started to map out in my mind what I thought music would be like if he were still alive. Not to mention any number of music greats that died too young; Mozart, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison. But now its just about 8pm, and I just can't put a lot of thought into anything.
I've had a weird day. Sleeping has been hard. Peeing is constant and because the internet has made me afraid to sleep on my back, comfort is little. Let's also not forget the 30 pound dog who takes up so much space on our bed that you'd think she was a Great Dane.
I forgot to set my alarm clock and Gordo waking me up at 6:10 just didn't do it for me. I was exhausted from band last night, concert this past Sunday and the prospect of another concert tomorrow. I put the Christmas playlist on my iPod for the ride to work and when Glee's "Oh Holy Night" came on I started to cry. And I couldn't stop. And I have no idea why. And it was only 7:30am.
School is weird these days. I'm in this weird limbo of being excited that in just a few weeks that awful place will be behind me, and feeling a little bit sad (or is it scared?) at the thought of not being there anymore. People tell me throughout the day that I look cute, or rounder, or starting to waddle, and some people don't say anything at all, and I don't know how to take any of it. Sometimes I'm so busy planning a concert and a talent show that I momentarily forget that I've got another human being inside me. But then I try to bend over or I feel that butt in my ribs, and I quickly remember.
Tomorrow I go back to the doctor for another ultrasound. Both my mother and Gordo will be there. I'm nervous about my mom being there. I can't fault my mother on this one though, everything seems to make me a wreck these days. All that time waiting and wanting and trying. And now, in just about 6 weeks we will have a baby. It is still really hard for me to believe.
Oh yeah, I also cried at the end of Glee tonight. Like really cried, not just teared up.
And that's where I'm at.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday Self Indulgence
Yeah, I know I said I'd post videos on Sundays and today is Monday. Yeah, I know I haven't blogged in over a week. But I've been super busy. Saturday we went on a tour of the Labor and Delivery section of the hospital. Sunday my brother came over for breakfast with his furry baby and then I had a really awesome concert with my band. Today I was busy having a two hour delay from school, only to get to school and find out my school laptop was stolen over the weekend along with 11 others. And all during the past week I was busy stressing over a school concert, a school talent show, my baby shower in a week, and oh yeah, we're having a baby in 7 weeks.
And now that you're all caught up on what I've been doing in the past week, take a look at how cute my furry babies are. Take note please of how awesome my Penny is playing with my brother's Bella. They are new BFFs.
Your welcome.
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