Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coffee, noses and play mats

I drove two towns over to fulfill a major craving for an iced white chocolate mocha from Starbucks this morning. Yeah, there's a Starbucks about five minutes from my house, but this one two towns over is the closest one with a drive-thru. Now I know that makes me sounds wicked lazy, but here's the thing. Michael had been awake since 7:30am, it was now noon and he was wicked cranky due to being the anti-napper. I knew the car ride would put him to sleep and I was afraid that the in and out of the car would wake him up. So, yes I drove two towns over to get a four dollar drink all to get my son to sleep for a half hour. I don't judge you, don't judge me.

We've been battling this week to try and get Michael an appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor at Children's Medical Center. He's had this nasty congestion since he was born and while I've been told by every doctor and nurse in central Connecticut that this is totally normal for newborns, he's almost three months old, not a newborn, and not getting better. At his two month check-up the doctor first recommended the E,N,T in case there is a growth or blockage in his throat or nasal passage. Scary! The growth, if there is one, is totally normal and something he would grow out of as he gets older and nothing to worry about. So I called the E,N,T, but wasn't able to get an appointment until the end of May. (!!) But then he had a bad night with his daddy Tuesday when I was at band (ending with Michael throwing up formula all over the bathroom floor) we got him back in with the pediatrician Wednesday morning wanting answers and not wanting to wait two months to go to the specialist. Long story short, my favorite doctor in the office, Dr. Diamonds (she has a huge diamond ring and necklace) assured us that she is 95% sure that what we are hearing in his breathing is in his nose. His chest is clear, his lungs are clear, his ears are clear. She feels certain that the E,N,T will find that he has narrow nasal passages or possibly a blockage, she said she would be surprised if they find something in his throat. She also said that absolutely does not think he is struggling to breath. That was reassuring. She was able to get us an appointment with the specialist for the end of April, which is an improvement. In the meantime we suck out snot and run the humidifier and listen to him breathe and remember that it is just congestion and he'll grow out of it.

In much better news, I bought Michael a play mat yesterday. He is so in love with it. In retrospect, we should have registered for a play mat, I have no idea why we didn't. While the tummy time mat that we did register for was a great gift from my dear Dee, my suggestion to those registering for baby things in the near future would be to get the play mat and skip the tummy time mat, because you can use this for both. They had a bunch with all kinds of bells and whistles (yes, literally), but I opted for a plainer one. I love the patchwork type pattern and colors, a la Vera Bradley. Plus we already have a bunch of the toys made to hang from things. I'd much rather play for Michael music of my choosing, rather than the (annoying) music that comes with baby toys. (Right now we are listening to Disney on Pandora radio) (Pandora radio is my newest obsession. If you haven't checked it out, do it and then you can thank me later)
"It's the circle of life. And it moves us all." ~ The Lion King

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