Let me first say how happy I am that William and Kate are finally married. The lead up to this wedding seemed to last forever. I'll admit that I was one of the few people who could really care less about all this, but I will say that it was nice to not hear about awful things all of the time on the news. She's beautiful and I think they really are in love, even though I still don't get the fascination with it all.
I'm having major anxiety today because I have to bring Rex to the vet this afternoon and because L won't be home in time, I have to bring the Beaner as well. Big doofy dog, big heavy car seat carrying small baby, teeny tiny vet office, other questionably behaved dogs=very anxious me. L is suppose to meet me at the vet office where he will either stay with Rex or take Michael. It is my hope that L will get there before the actual appointment, best case scenario before I even get out of the car. Its 9:30am now, the appointment is at 3:45 and its already the only thing I can think about. Good lord.
I am so excited to bring Michael to the Daffodil Festival tomorrow. L and I go every year and I'm excited to bring Michael and take pictures in the flowers. I hope we can make it a family tradition every year, taking pictures and seeing how he's grown.
Good luck at the vet, you can do it!!! :)