Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So it turns out raising a baby, working full time and living a life take up a lot of ones time. But I am back and I promise to update at least once a week, hopefully more.

The Beaner is no longer a Bean. He is a little boy. He's crawling, and babbling, and getting into all kinds of things that he shouldn't. He's apple picking, and dog tail pulling, and making friends at daycare and being all kinds of cute.

He's had his first Rosh Hashannah, his first Yom Kippur. He tried gefilte fish (he loved it, I knew he would) and matzoh ball soup. Our first Mother's Day and Father's day. He celebrated his aunt's engagement. In a month he'll have his first Thanksgiving. And before we know it, his first Channukah and his first birthday.

He's amazing, this little man of ours. The best part of my day used to be laying in bed with him in the mornings. Now its walking into daycare and watching him grin from ear to ear and squeal with delight at the sight of me. Or maybe its when he crawls over to me and tries to climb up my leg. Or maybe its when he puts his arms out for me to pick him up. Or maybe when I blow raspberries on his belly and he laughs and laughs. Or...

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." ~ The Beatles

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