Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Green with...

Things I am jealous of today~
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friends, babies and accapella
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday was quite possibly my last concert at this school. It went well except that the cd skipped on the last song, which was of course the one they worked the hardest on. I guess that's what I get for not being a better piano player. Very few people actually said "Good job", but I was happy with it and they really did sing well. I was proud of them.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Showers of love

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I really wanted to write a post about how John Lennon died 30 years ago today. This morning I even started to map out in my mind what I thought music would be like if he were still alive. Not to mention any number of music greats that died too young; Mozart, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison. But now its just about 8pm, and I just can't put a lot of thought into anything.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday Self Indulgence
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday Self Indulgence

Friday, November 26, 2010
So, so thankful

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesdays I'm a dork (yes, just Tuesdays)

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday at the Movies
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Things you didn't want to know but I'm going to tell you anyway

Now I'm suppose to link back to her, but I don't know how, I'm suppose to ask other people to do the same, but I don't really have any other blogger friends, and I'm suppose to write seven things about myself. So I'll tell you to visit VAM at ,and here are seven things about me that you probably didn't want to know, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
1. I am a music teacher, but I'm not really feeling it lately. I spent six and a half years of higher learning playing clarinet and learning to be one of the teachers I had in school. I wanted to be a high school band director and after student teaching decided that wasn't for me. I loved my elementary student teaching placement and felt that was my calling. And now, eight years later I don't know what happened. Is it the lousy teaching conditions and lack of support? Is it the poorly behaved students that give me heart palpations? Is it that everyone told me in high school that I would be a music teacher so I just ran with it because I didn't know what else to do anyway? I just don't know. I'll get back to you.
2. I love that I finally have friends I can count on. There's friends that are just there and there are friends you can count on. I love that I have friends I can count on.
3. I love, love, love our dogs. I want people to stop telling me that they will get shafted when the baby comes. I'm not a moron, I certainly know things will change. However that doesn't mean we will forget about them, or not love them. The more people tell me that they will be kicked to the curb, the angerier I get and the more anxiety I get. I have better things to lose sleep over.
4. I love Christmas music. Every year around this time I wonder to myself if its too early to start listening. I always try for Thanksgiving as the cut off, but it doesn't always happen. I won't lie, I've listened to a few already.
5. I am loving being pregnant. As of this weekend, I have nine weeks until my due date and everything has been great. A few vomits early on, little bit of heartburn, but seriously nothing awful. I feel bad for people like my sister in law who was sick as a dog everyday for forty weeks. I love the kicks, I love the hiccups, I love the belly, I love hearing his heartbeat and I love seeing his blurry picture on the ultrasound.
6. I don't understand why dental hygentists insist on talking to you and asking you questions while they are cleaning your teeth. Your hands are in my mouth, lady!
7. I love this blog. I know it goes unattended sometimes, but I love having it as a place to go and write about stuff and show pictures of things that I love. I love that people really do read it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Three years

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Beware: I have a mind of my own.
I have no idea what she was referencing, but when I first read it, I thought about her grown youngest son who had moved to California and who she missed dearly. I feel sad for her because I know how much she misses him, but I know and understand his need to get away and be his own person.
Then it got me to thinking about my own life as an "adult child" and the things that are transpiring within it now.
In two weeks, Gordo and I will have been married for three years. I think back to when we were planning our wedding and debating with my parents about what *we* wanted apposed to what *they* wanted. Such anxiety.
See, Gordo's been his own person, independent from his parents for many years now. Part of me was very envious of that. I, on the other hand, wanted to please my parents. Make them happy; keep them happy. I understood that my parents were right, and I needed to do what I was told, regardless of whether of not I agreed.
So three years ago when we were planning our wedding and Gordo and I wanted one thing and they wanted another, I didn't know what to do. Go against my parents? Tell them that I didn't agree? Tell them its my life and even though you're paying for the wedding that doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do with one of the most important days of our life?
I was 29 years old and Gordo taught me to stand up for myself. Your an adult and you have a mind of your own. Just because they are putting out money doesn't mean that they own you. You tell me when you don't agree with me, he said, why can't you tell them?
It was like a light went off in my head. I am an adult! I do have a mind of my own! I am allowed to disagree with them and we will still love each other tomorrow!
And you know what, we did get our way for the wedding. Because it was our wedding, they already had theirs.
Now we are three months away from having a baby and it starts all over again. You would think that the fact that a 34 year old and a 32 year old are having a baby after three years of marriage would be a red flag that we are adults. Guess not.
The first major milestone in a Jewish baby boy's life is his Bris. His circumcision. At eight days old, just home from the hospital, we will have our family and close friends at our house for bagels and lox, brownies, coffee and to watch my boy's foreskin get taken off without so much as a shot of novocaine. What will he wear for such an event? The yamaka his Grammie Gordon bought for him in Israel, or the one his Uncle Jason wore for his Bris? For days I mulled it over in my seven months pregnant, anxiety-ridden brain. I had to have out with it. I had to confront or the anxiety would eat me alive. Baby boy is already going to sleep in the bassinet that I did and wear home from the hospital the beautiful sweater his Great Grandmother made for him and the outfit she bought for him. Wouldn't it be nice for him to have something from Gordo's family, I said to my mother. But wouldn't it be nice for it to stay in the family and carry on a tradition, she said. That is nice, why don't you save it for when Jason has children? Maybe the tradition of this yamaka will start with our baby, I said. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings on this, I said, but we would like him to have things that are from Gordo's family too. Is that okay, I said? If that is what you want, then it is okay, she said. She wasn't happy, but she said it.
And everyone lived and everyone is still a family and everyone still loves each other.
My name is Stacey. I am 32 years old and I have a mind of my own. Thank you Gordo (and a few years of therapy) for teaching me how to stand up for myself.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Holy crap we have a crib...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Belly Buttons
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Holy crap