Monday, February 8, 2010


Gordo and I went to an adult dinner party over the weekend, with actual ADULTS. Holy crap did we have to be on our best behavior! I made these yummy chocolate covered pretzels. They are so easy to make and yet they are so pretty that it seems to give the impression that they were slaved over for hours. They were a hit, but little did I know one of our hosts isn't eating sugar for health reasons. So we had to take them home with us. Boo hoo. So yummy.

And here's your doggie update, because I know you were dying to know about the ins and outs of Dogasaurus Rex and Penny Lane. Rex successfully had his nails clipped tonight by his favorite Petco groomer. He was a complete baby about it. Partly I feel bad because I get him all excited about riding in the car (which he loves) only to screw him with the nail clipping (which he loathes). Penny is continuing to snuggle into my neck as I sleep which, *sigh*, I love. She's getting the hang of 'sit', not that I think she'll actually do it in class Wednesday, but who cares. She also has an affinity for trying to bury things. Rawhides, biscuits, toys, socks, etc. She likes to bury them behind couch cushions and under pillows. More than once now I have laid down in bed and had a rawhide under my pillow. If you've never experienced this, and I can't imagine that you wouldn't have, it is an interesting experience.

A second dog means buying a little more food, cleaning a few more hair balls, dealing with a few more quirks. It also means a lot more love and cuddle in our home. I love it.

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