Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday #1

One of the other blogs I read, "Oh, Mishka", the writer does a thing called "Thankful Thursday". Things she is thankful for that day, or week, or just in life in general. What an excellent idea. So I am going to try my best to follow suit and do a Thankful Thursday of my own. Here goes.

*I am thankful that we got out of school early today on account of open house at school tonight. The weather was so beautiful. I took the dogs for a huge walk. I actually could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.
*I am thankful that tonight at open house I am not in a position where I need to talk to very many parents. That might sound bad, but its true.
*I am thankful that every week Penny makes amazing improvements at puppy class. Girl's got potential.
*I am thankful for my big Rex. Lordy I love that mutt.
*I am thankful for a great Valentine's day and an even greater Valentine.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great list!! I'm glad you like the Thankful Thursday idea!
