What a crazy weekend!!
Friday night we left for Atlanta where my oldest cousin was getting married. We got there just in time for the rehearsal dinner (actually we were an hour late, but we got there in time for the dinner and the speeches). After working the entire day, flying to Atlanta, dinner, long speeches, blah, blah, blah.. I was exhausted!
Saturday, thankfully, we were able to sleep in. And it was one of those hotel rooms that when we pull the curtains across it is pitch black in the room forever. Awesomeness. We met up with Gordo's friend who now lives in Atlanta. He gave us a tour and took us out for lunch. We probably hadn't seen him in close to a year, so it was nice to catch up. We then went to the Georgia Aquarium.
I love aquariums. LOVE. If you are someone who loves aquariums, love marine wildlife, you need to go to Atlanta and check out this place. It was the coolest. The tanks are huge. So clean. So many animals that I have never seen before in person. Not one, but three whale sharks. The only manta ray in captivity. Amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

Saturday night was the wedding, which was... long. A lot of down time in between things. But everyone had a great time. I'm not a dancer, so people always ask me if I'm having fun, and I am. You don't have to dance to have fun. But the more you ask me, the less fun I'm going to have. So there.
Sunday brunch and good-byes, and the mad rush back to the airport to get back to Connecticut. Well, White Plains airport and then an hour drive to get home. *Sigh* I'm tired just remembering it all.
Yesterday was the last day of school. It didn't even feel like the last day of school. I'm thrilled, don't get me wrong, but there was no excitement, no lead up, no climax. It just kind of ended.
Last night was the end of year party. A really nice party, but made for such a long day. Especially when it followed an already long weekend. Everyone had to take down and box up everything in their classrooms because they are going to "clean every room top to bottom". Now if they actually clean every room with a fine tipped comb, that's awesome and I can't wait to see it. However, I know that place well enough that I'm not holding my breath. I haven't taught in my room in two months, so things have piled up. And as I pulled things down and boxed things up, bare walls exposed and sad looking, I really saw that room for what it is. DISGUSTING. Its almost 24 hours later, and I still can't breathe. It was really pretty gross. So I do hope they clean. I hope I get a new room too. But I won't hold my breath. Of course if I have to go back in that room, I might have to hold my breath.
This morning I slept til 10:30. Is that bad?