Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks

On Saturday Gordo took me to a Yankee game. We drove to the Bronx, the weather was great and we had a great day.
What you need to understand here is that I grew up in a house without sports. My father would find more enjoyment from removing his own eye with a spoon than to sit and watch sports on TV, let alone go to an actual game. And due to my father's lack of interest in sports, my brother has zero interest. I take that back, my brother tried his hand at golf for a while, but is golf really a sport?

Everything I know about sports I learned from friends and boyfriends throughout the years. Gordo likes to watch a lot of different sports. He's a Yankee's fan, so that is what I now associate myself with (sorry girls!). We are avid UConn football fans. My first introduction to football was as I sat with the marching band, and now I faithfully attend every game. Who knew? Four years ago I couldn't tell you a single baseball player, today I could tell you almost the entire Yankee line up. Seriously, who knew?

By the way, what the hell was New York thinking when they created a law that calorie counts have to be posted on menus?? All the vendors at the stadium had the calorie counts up! I don't want to know how many calories are in my really tasty pretzel! (over 600 btw) Come on NY, let me enjoy my snacks!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thankful Thursday #12

~ I am so thankful for summer vacation. Let the laziness begin!!
~ I am so thankful for friends and family and lots of love in my life.
~ I am so thankful for new seasons of Top Chef, Kathy Griffin and Real Housewives of NY reruns.
~ I am so thankful for my husband. I love that guy.
~ I am so thankful for doctors named Pasquale and nurses named Marie.
~ I am so thankful for hope. All kinds of hope.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a crazy weekend!!

Friday night we left for Atlanta where my oldest cousin was getting married. We got there just in time for the rehearsal dinner (actually we were an hour late, but we got there in time for the dinner and the speeches). After working the entire day, flying to Atlanta, dinner, long speeches, blah, blah, blah.. I was exhausted!
Saturday, thankfully, we were able to sleep in. And it was one of those hotel rooms that when we pull the curtains across it is pitch black in the room forever. Awesomeness. We met up with Gordo's friend who now lives in Atlanta. He gave us a tour and took us out for lunch. We probably hadn't seen him in close to a year, so it was nice to catch up. We then went to the Georgia Aquarium.

I love aquariums. LOVE. If you are someone who loves aquariums, love marine wildlife, you need to go to Atlanta and check out this place. It was the coolest. The tanks are huge. So clean. So many animals that I have never seen before in person. Not one, but three whale sharks. The only manta ray in captivity. Amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

Saturday night was the wedding, which was... long. A lot of down time in between things. But everyone had a great time. I'm not a dancer, so people always ask me if I'm having fun, and I am. You don't have to dance to have fun. But the more you ask me, the less fun I'm going to have. So there.
Sunday brunch and good-byes, and the mad rush back to the airport to get back to Connecticut. Well, White Plains airport and then an hour drive to get home. *Sigh* I'm tired just remembering it all.

Yesterday was the last day of school. It didn't even feel like the last day of school. I'm thrilled, don't get me wrong, but there was no excitement, no lead up, no climax. It just kind of ended.
Last night was the end of year party. A really nice party, but made for such a long day. Especially when it followed an already long weekend. Everyone had to take down and box up everything in their classrooms because they are going to "clean every room top to bottom". Now if they actually clean every room with a fine tipped comb, that's awesome and I can't wait to see it. However, I know that place well enough that I'm not holding my breath. I haven't taught in my room in two months, so things have piled up. And as I pulled things down and boxed things up, bare walls exposed and sad looking, I really saw that room for what it is. DISGUSTING. Its almost 24 hours later, and I still can't breathe. It was really pretty gross. So I do hope they clean. I hope I get a new room too. But I won't hold my breath. Of course if I have to go back in that room, I might have to hold my breath.

This morning I slept til 10:30. Is that bad?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have traveled the same stretch of I-84 for the last seven years. Back and forth, back and forth. I'm not good with directions, so I don't veer off my path. The last few springs I have noticed something awesome. Traveling east bound, home after a long day there are 2 geese who have taken up residence in the grass just inches off the highway, just into Chesire. In early spring they are alone, just the two of them. Hanging out and chillin in the tall weeds. And then in mid May it happens. Little baby gooses. And there the family hangs out every afternoon when I drive by. Picking at the grass, basking in the sun, enjoying each other's company. I love everything about this. I love the sight of this little family, two adults and their chicks. I love that they are so close to this very dangerous highway, and yet act as if they have not a care in the world. When I first saw them years ago, I worried for the day that I would drive by and they would be gone, victims of highway travel. But I think they are smarter than that, these gooses. I think they know something I don't know.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Last night I took Rex to Petco to get his nails clipped, something I've done at least a hundred times in the 3 years we've had the mutt. They cut his nails and all I have to do is stand there and tell him he's a good boy and pay them 10 bucks. Totally worth it. So I take him, and the groomer's got this little Yorkie looking thing on the table. She tells me, no problem just give her 5 minutes or so. No problem, I say, we'll go walk around the store and come back. We walk out to the store, past a new display of collars and leashes, and Rex pulled me to a stop. To sniff I presume. I look down, and like an out of body experience, he lifts he leg as high as he can, and pees on a pillar in the center of the store. I looked around, thinking, this couldn't have just happened. There's no way Rex could have done this. Then the annoying cashier girl yells to me from 1oo feet away "There's paper towel and cleaner over there on the left." I can't believe he did that, I said. They all do, annoying cashier girl yelled. Not my dog! Not my Rex! Now, Penny, Penny does shit like that. Penny I would expect it from. But Rex? Not Rex. I was mortified to say the very least. I still am. And I just said to him, "Remember last night when you peed at Petco?" I swear he smirked at me. He's acting out. Its a cry for attention. He's learning bad habits from Penny. That must be it. Her devious ways are rubbing off on him. Cause Rex just would never do something like that.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I should try to spend my time thinking about more important things

Does anyone else find it odd when you go into a woman's bathroom stall, after someone has just walked out, and the seat is up? What is that about? There's an aide here at school who is notorious for this and if it weren't for her two sons that attend our school, I'd seriously think she's a man in sheep's clothing. Humm.. Something to think about.

Does it bother anyone else when strands of their long hair fall out and get stuck to their shirt, tickling their arms in this now short sleeve weather. Many minutes of my day lately are spent looking for the rogue piece of hair that it taunting me, probably stuck to my back so I can't see it. I don't even want to think about how ridiculous I must look trying to locate said piece of hair. I picture it in my mind now and it reminds me of when Penny chases her tail, never quite able to catch it. I may need to evaluate why my hair is falling out in the first place.

Sorry for the lack of picture in this post. I am writing~ GASP~ from school!