Congratulations to my dear friends, D, B (and K!) on selling their house after 4 short (or were they long?) weeks on the market. I wish them the best of luck in finding the house of their dreams, a house in which they can continue to raise their family and grow old together in. Not only do I look forward to helping them rejoice and enjoy their new home, I look forward to not having to look at their stuff in the place where I used to park my car.
My day today began as usual with my coffee, cereal and the Today show. A disturbing phone call from my mom and I decided I didn't want to spend the day home with no plans and no one to talk to but Rex. I wanted to help D prepare for what will probably be the biggest 2nd birthday party in history. An Elmo theme deserves nothing more than an Elmo cake. D and I spent the afternoon recreating Elmo out of cake and icing. It was a fantastic experience. Never would I have thought that so much effort would go into this. Smear some frosting on and that would be the end of it. No, no~ bags and nozzles and dabbing and special food coloring. I was a cake decorating virgin, but a quick learner. Here is the before and after.

Between cake decorating and playing with one of my favorite (almost) two year olds ~even though she told me I could NOT ride on her swing~ I pine for a child even more today.
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