Sometimes I have an irrational fear that Rex doesn't like me as much as he likes L. While this could very well be true, I also know there's not a whole lot I can do about it as he is a dog. He perks right up whenever L is in the room or enters a room. Today for example, Rex laid around and slept all day long. Didn't play, didn't bark, just slept. As soon as L pulled in the driveway, he bounced up. Barking, jumping, craziness. I mean, I know Rex loves me. I feed him, I walk him, I play with him. He listens to me more than he does L. But it just never ceases to make my heart drop a bit when his eyes and ears perk up when L walks into the room. I know though that I need to get over this before a child enters our lives. Heaven help me, or us for that matter, if I am constantly worried that my child loves their father more than me.
I saw this sign on our way home from Maryland. I wonder if Barry Manilow ever thought his name would be on the same billboard as Beyonce's. Or maybe the better question is, did Beyonce ever think her name would be on the same billboard as Manilow?
The jealousy thing will still perk up when you have a child. I promise. It is something that will melt your heart and cross you mind the wrong way every once and a while. It is human nature and nothing you need to get over or conquer. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. Debbie
ReplyDeleteThanks, chica. Love you!
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