1. *Sushi* I was first introduced to sushi in grad school when most of my friends were Asian and I was the token "white girl". There's nothing quite like sushi. Sometimes squishy, sometimes crunchy, always fulfilling. Lately, sushi has become a monthly outing, a reward of sorts. I, and I know the other ladies as well, look forward to sushi night so much. Had a bad day? Sushi will make everything better. And while I am hardly a connoisseur, my favorite sushi is from Noble in Southington. I've never had any better than theirs.

2. *Hawaiian Pizza* There is nothing logical about why I like this. I don't like pineapple by itself. I don't even like Canadian bacon on its own. Somehow though when you put them on a pizza with cheesyness and some sauce, it is just so tasty. Actually, pineapple on just about anything makes an exotic treat. Ever had grilled pineapple on a hamburger? Its like your on vacation in your own home.
3. *Nature* I love animals. I love nature. I love watching animals. It intrigues me, always has. When I was a kid, we used to go to the Mystic Aquarium all the time. I knew all the different types of fish and things. I loved it. I often wonder why I didn't go into a career involving animals. I certainly enjoy being with animals more than most people.
4. *Speaking of people, I love my friends* I once read a quote that went something like, "God gives you your family, thank God you get to pick your friends". I love that quote. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. Friends though fill in the spaces family can't. Friends are there when family can't be. You can say things to friends that you can't to family. You need to have both friends and family. Can you be friends with members of your family? Sure. Can your friends be like a part of your family? Absolutely. But they aren't the same thing. And I believe, I know, you need to have both in order to be a healthy individual. I've had good friends and I've had bad friends. Really bad friends. I love the friends I have right now. And I know exactly who the good apples are.
5. *Coffee* Have I mentioned my obsession with coffee?

6. *Pictures* I love taking pictures. I love being surrounded by the smiling faces of my friends, family and dog. I love looking at the picture and remembering what was happening at that specific moment in time. While I love the digital age and love my digital camera, I miss having to print photos. I miss flipping through a photo album. I love reminiscing about vacations and college and times gone by. I once wanted to go into photography. I had a crappy camera in high school and for my birthday my friends all chipped in a bought me a new camera. I wonder why I decided not to go into photography.. I could have photographed animals.. *sigh*
7. *Reminiscing* I love talking to people and doing "Remember when..." Remember when there was a bat hanging from our dorm room ceiling? Remember when we went snorkeling with sea turtles? Remember when my sneakers smelled so bad I put them on the wind sill and then they filled with snow? Remember when I choked on the steak at our rehearsal dinner and ended up in the ER? Good or bad memories, I love to reminisce and remember.
8. *I love writing this blog* I have no idea how many people actually read this blog. Regardless, I love having it as a way to get things off my mind. I love having a way to take all of the "stuff" in my head and putting it down on, well not paper, but, you know. And its free! Its like free therapy and I think its great.
I love that I was there for three of the four memories you listed. Well, actually, I didn't love seeing you choke on your steak at your rehearsal dinner so I take that back. But you know what I mean. I LOVE that you're still in my life. You're the most awesome friend and I'm SO sad I won't be seeing you this week. But as the record shows, neither of us are going anywhere. :)
ReplyDeleteGood blog today ;o) me likey.