Today is August 20th. Last month I got my period on July 20th. It has been 32 days since my last period. This will be a nerve racking next few days.
Finding a new background for my blog has been quite a chore. You would think having a husband so knowledgeable in computers would have rubbed off on me a bit, but that is not the case. The blue and brown background I had previously was the first one I found that I could download without confusion. I wasn't thrilled with it, but I was able to get it on there. Then, somehow, I deleted it from the format. As I searched for a new background, it hit me what I was doing wrong and I suddenly understood. Yay! I love the colors in this one. The only thing I don't like are the two dots that come into the writing area... Can't have everything I suppose.
I went to school yesterday for the first time since June. I feel so indifferent about going back there. Hopefully that will change come Monday when workshops begin. I am hopefully about the new principal I have not met yet, the students new and old, and co-workers new and old. After working at school for a bit (a short bit) and having lunch with my favorite co-worker, I babysat my favorite 2 year old. She and I had some differences of opinion on several things... I hope she won't be too upset with me for telling her not to break all the crayons.
I think she has already forgiven you. But I wouldn't let it happen again. Deb