Friday, April 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday #8

~I am so thankful for sick days.
~I am so thankful for feeling so relaxed and refreshed after taking not one, but two of these sick days.
~I am so thankful that in the numerous times Penny has snatched a pen off of a table and chewed it into a million pieces, the ink has managed to stay inside of the tube and not on my beige carpet.
~I am so thankful for the Dog Whisperer and his confidence that we are on the right track with the pen eating dog.
~I am so thankful for second opinions, the doctor named Pasquale, the doctor named Ryan who's in the wheelchair and the tall doctor who is way too perky at 7:30am.
~I am thankful for hope. All kinds of hope.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I want this for my house

This is in the waiting room of my doctor's office. I think it would make great wall art for our house. What do you think?

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Alice in Wonderland", A Review (Also titled, They should give you back the extra money they charge for the 3D movie when you give the glasses back)

One of my favorite books is "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass". I've read them dozens of times. One of my favorite movies is Disney's Alice in Wonderland. My college roommate, E, said it was one of the only movies that she saw me laugh out loud to. I've got a stuffed Chesire Cat and White Rabbit. I've got little figurines. I love those stories. So obviously I was thrilled to death when I heard that Tim Burton was doing an "Alice" movie. It took a while to get there, as my husband is not someone who enjoys long lines and big crowds (or put up with them for the sake of his wife), but we did get there eventually.

First of all, I did not know you had to pay extra for a 3D movie. What kind of BS is that? Second of all, it is really difficult to wear 3D glasses when you already where regular glasses. Something needs to be done about this.

Tim Burton's "Alice" story was not the "Alice" that I know and love. It was an adaptation of sorts. It wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't what I wanted. I wanted my stories, my characters, my adventures brought to life in a new light. As a lover of Lewis Carroll's stories, that was exactly what I wanted, his stories. Don't get me wrong, Tim Burton's adaptation was pretty good. But it just wasn't what I wanted. I was let down.

Plus the 3D really stunk.

If you do want to see a movie in the theatre, I recommend "Hot Tub Time Machine". Yes, seriously. Its pretty funny, but here's the real reason you should see it~ On Easter we were at my parents' house for Passover. We had just seen "Hot Tub" the previous weekend and Gordo was telling my sister and her boyfriend to see it. My grandparents couldn't understand how a movie like that could be in the theaters. Because they thought it was rated X. Because they thought it was porn. Because the words "hot" and "tub" were in the title.

If you want to see a movie to rent or On Demand, I recommend "Moulin Rouge". When I first saw it years ago, I thought it was weird and, well, weird. But as I've grown and my musical tastes have grown, I find it just so well done. I love the modern songs set in a time period and genre in which they don't belong. I love using song lyrics as dialog. I love David Bowie singing Nat King Cole's "Nature Boy". But my favorite part is the Roxanne Tango. If nothing else, you've got to see that scene.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday#7

I am so thankful for an unexpected phone call from a wonderful friend.

I am so thankful for beautiful, sunny weather.

I am so thankful for my wonderfully supportive mother, father and sister.

I am so thankful for my very understanding husband.

I am so thankful tomorrow is Friday.

I am so thankful for hope. All kinds of hope.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I never thought I'd relate my life to the theme song from "Friends"

"And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year..."

On March 17th I got my period.

On March 22nd I was told I was no long able to use my classroom and would need to begin "music on a cart" asap.

On March 24th we started shock collars with our dogs for training.

On March 25th we learned that my health insurance covers zero dollars of IVF and even though Gordo's insurance covers 100%, I can't get on his plan until November.

And this, my friends, is why I haven't been blogging. And this is why if you've seen me, talked to me, spent time with me, I might seem a bit out of sorts. Its not about you, its entirely about me. Nineteen months is a really long time to be trying to do the thing that should be the most natural and easy thing in the world to do. And it sucks.

But its not just about that anymore.

Its about loathing getting out of bed because I dread my job that much. Its about a thirty minute drive feeling like hours and hours because that destination is just the last place I want to be.

Its about this beautiful little rescue dog that we brought into our home, who is just the cuddliest, cutest thing with us and Rex, but is so scared and frightened of everything in the world. It is about the fear in the pit of my stomach that even though Penny has improved so, so much that when we do bring a baby into this house she will revert and freak and we will need to get rid of our dog.

It is about how much all of this is weighing on my marriage. Really weighing on my marriage.

And its about so many other things as well.

I am going to try to post more regularly again. It feels good to get what is going on in my mind "out there". It is actually sitting down to do it that is hard. But I am going to try. Because I think it will help me be better.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm sorry for the lack of blogging lately.

I just haven't been feeling it.

I'll be back soon.

I promise.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday #6 even though it's Saturday

~I am thankful that there is only one more week of school before vacation.
~I am thankful that I am going to Washington DC with my husband who has never been there before.
~I am thankful for my furry babies who I love so much.
~I am thankful for my wonderful, understanding husband who I love so much.
~I am thankful for my friends. Wonderful friends that I trust.
~I am thankful for hope and health and the pursuit of happiness.