Monday, August 31, 2009

On the flip side

I wrote an entry a few weeks back entitled, "Things I Love", so of course there must be something to be said about things I don't like. Things that really, really get under my skin, make my skin crawl, or some other sort of skin thing.

1. *Eating with people who insist on counting every mother loving calorie that goes into their mouth* This is huge for me for a few reasons. Mostly it is because I love food and when I eat with someone who won't eat or talks about how fattening the food is, makes me feel like a fatty. I grew up feeling like a fatty and it is not a feeling that I welcome or enjoy. Here's the thing, food is good. Food is tasty. Eating a piece of cake, or a piece of bread, or the whole sandwich instead of half, or a handful of potato chips isn't going to kill you. However, eating a piece of cake everyday, or the entire bag of potato chips might. As long as you know when to stop eating, and most people do, I think you are in the clear. ~As a disclaimer, most of you know that I am married to someone who, partly, fits into the category. L has lost a tremendous amount of weight in the last several years, and he does not want to go back to where he was, lifestyle or health wise. Therefore, he goes to the gym 5 days a week and watches what he eats. Does it bug me? Sometimes, especially since he won't really let me cook for him, but he's not nearly as nuts as other people I know.

2. *Mosquitoes* I've talked to several people about this throughout this summer. The mosquito population seems to have quadrupled this year. I love nature and all its beauty, but I don't understand mosquitoes. What is their purpose? What do they do other than buzz in your ear, carry disease, and bite your arms and legs and neck and ankles... Anything that eats mosquitoes eats other insects as well, so certainly no one would suffer if they went missing. Do you know that on several occasions this summer I slapped a mosquito on my arm and blood spurted out? Is that my blood or the mosquitoes? Or even worse, is it the blood of the last schmoe he bit? Gross.

3. *Tall people who insist on wearing high heels* I want to look up at them and yell, "Seriously, I get it, you're tall!" They can take their high heels that look so nice with their knee length skirt and kiss my short ass.

4. *Animals doing tricks* There's a show on Animal Planet called "Pet Stars". It seriously makes my stomach turn. Dogs, cats, parrots, pot bellied pigs, horses and anything else should A) Not be dressed in clown-type costumes and B) Not be dancing, singing, talking, counting or anything else that a 5 year old human could do. Dogs enjoy your company and chase balls, pot bellied pigs eat and snort, horses run and cats do, whatever it is that cats do.

5. *People who waste my time and/or think I am an idiot* If you are going to have a 5 hour workshop for your staff, put all of your staff members into account and think how best to utilize the time. Or, if you are too lazy to do this, at least let the people who are not going to benefit from the workshop go and do something they will benefit from. Contrary to popular belief, the "specials" teachers do have a ton of work to do and would really love someday to sit in a 5 hour workshop that actually pertains to us.
I don't really believe people think I am an idiot. I do, however, think people talk without thinking sometimes. This is all people, no one in particular. I believe that everyone's opinion matters and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and all that. Just because you do not agree with my opinion does not make it any less valid or important as yours. I believe this to be a very American view. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel, say what is on their mind, live the way they want to live, and being able to talk and discuss and debate. Having a discussion about differing opinions is a wonderful thing. Just don't put me, or anyone else, down because our opinions don't match up.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Betty Crocker in the making

I've been on a bit of a baking kick. I found a great website, Not only does she have awesome recipes, but she also writes about the troubles she had and how to avoid them, things she would do different and pictures of the finished product. I hate making food when there is no picture. The first recipe I tried from her site was the S'mores Cookie Bars. They were very good, as D can attest to. The pan I used for these cookies I think was actually an 8x12, opposed to a 9x13, so it was a bit thicker than it should have been, and consequently should have stayed in the oven a bit longer. When I make it again (yes when, not if) I would definitely put more marshmallows. You can never have too many marshmallows.

The second I made the night before the first day of school, and brought it in as a Happy First Day for my friends. Oreo Gooey Bars; I believe the name says it all. An entire package of Oreos, lots of chocolate chips and butter. Very sweet, but very tasty. Best, I think, straight from the fridge, the crunch makes it a bit more like a candy bar. Don't know if I would rush back into this one, but my friends did seem to like it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ms. Bella

We dog-sat my brother's dog, Bella this weekend. Bella and Rex get along great. He really loves her. We once brought them to the dog park together and Rex wouldn't let any other dogs get near her, protecting his girlfriend or something. It was really funny and really cute. Dogs are so interesting. Rex became like the wiser elder having her in the house for the whole weekend. Bella, on the other hand, is the younger sister who's your friend one minute and your worst enemy the next. There is the cute, cuddly Jack Russell that is a wonderful companion for my brother,

and there is the scary, snarly Kudjo who pulls my Rex's skin with her fangs while they play.

Yep, I think that about sums it up.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Operation Save Pup

Last night L went on a man-date to see a concert at the casino. I wasn't invited, so I went out for dinner with my sister and her boyfriend. Coupons for free cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory have been burning a hole in our pockets, so off we went. Dinner was good, dessert was good. They left to go home and I decided to take Rex for a walk while it wasn't hot and not too dark. We got halfway through our walk, and he stepped on something he shouldn't have and started to limp. It obviously hurt him to put his foot down, but he's too heavy for me to carry, so he limped back home. We got home and he laid down on the tile floor, licked and bit at his paw. He wouldn't let me go near it, even to look. I was afraid he had stepped on glass and I didn't want for him to get hurt more by licking and biting it. Not wanting to see my pup in pain, I called the emergency vet. I got the address and we drove out to the clinic on the West Hartford line. I pull in and there are at least a half dozen cop cars in the Home Depot/BJs parking lot next to the vet. Weird, I thought, but I was on a mission. We ring the bell and the tech takes us in and I explain the situation. He takes Rex and tells me that they'll check him out, see what's going on and report back to me. I suggested to the tech that he might want to muzzle my loving pup, as he doesn't like being fussed with when he doesn't feel well. I told Rex everything would be okay, and went to give the receptionist girl my information. Not even five minutes later, the tech came back with Rex and said "We don't see anything." "What do you mean?" I said. "I looked and the doctor looked and we don't see anything." I turned to Rex, who was now jumping up to the counter wanting to play with the receptionist girl, and said "Seriously?" The tech felt my pain and said, "I can muzzle him again and you can look for yourself if you'd like." So we did, and as predicted, I saw nothing. I looked at my pup again and said "Are you serious?" The tech said, "Don't worry it happens all the time. Happens with kids too." I still felt a bit stupid. So the receptionist girl gave him two biscuits and we went on our way. As we walked out, I mentioned something about all the cop cars, and both the tech and the receptionist girl just looked at me and didn't say much. Here's what NBC30 had to say about it...

West Hartford Police are searching for two suspects after a man was shot in the parking lot of BJ's Wholesale Club Thursday night.

The victim, 26, was wounded while he walked out of the New Park Avenue store with his girlfriend and their child. Two men drove up to the store entrance, according to police. One man shot the victim with a rifle, and both drove away in a blue Toyota pickup truck.

The victim was taken to the hospital, where he was initially listed in stable condition.

The victim and his girlfriend told police they were shopping, and did not know the gunman.

Police roped off the area for several hours to gather evidence.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

No, Mine!

Today is August 20th. Last month I got my period on July 20th. It has been 32 days since my last period. This will be a nerve racking next few days.

Finding a new background for my blog has been quite a chore. You would think having a husband so knowledgeable in computers would have rubbed off on me a bit, but that is not the case. The blue and brown background I had previously was the first one I found that I could download without confusion. I wasn't thrilled with it, but I was able to get it on there. Then, somehow, I deleted it from the format. As I searched for a new background, it hit me what I was doing wrong and I suddenly understood. Yay! I love the colors in this one. The only thing I don't like are the two dots that come into the writing area... Can't have everything I suppose.

I went to school yesterday for the first time since June. I feel so indifferent about going back there. Hopefully that will change come Monday when workshops begin. I am hopefully about the new principal I have not met yet, the students new and old, and co-workers new and old. After working at school for a bit (a short bit) and having lunch with my favorite co-worker, I babysat my favorite 2 year old. She and I had some differences of opinion on several things... I hope she won't be too upset with me for telling her not to break all the crayons.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Things I Love

I love lots of things in this world, but here are some of my favorites

1. *Sushi* I was first introduced to sushi in grad school when most of my friends were Asian and I was the token "white girl". There's nothing quite like sushi. Sometimes squishy, sometimes crunchy, always fulfilling. Lately, sushi has become a monthly outing, a reward of sorts. I, and I know the other ladies as well, look forward to sushi night so much. Had a bad day? Sushi will make everything better. And while I am hardly a connoisseur, my favorite sushi is from Noble in Southington. I've never had any better than theirs.

2. *Hawaiian Pizza* There is nothing logical about why I like this. I don't like pineapple by itself. I don't even like Canadian bacon on its own. Somehow though when you put them on a pizza with cheesyness and some sauce, it is just so tasty. Actually, pineapple on just about anything makes an exotic treat. Ever had grilled pineapple on a hamburger? Its like your on vacation in your own home.

3. *Nature* I love animals. I love nature. I love watching animals. It intrigues me, always has. When I was a kid, we used to go to the Mystic Aquarium all the time. I knew all the different types of fish and things. I loved it. I often wonder why I didn't go into a career involving animals. I certainly enjoy being with animals more than most people.

4. *Speaking of people, I love my friends* I once read a quote that went something like, "God gives you your family, thank God you get to pick your friends". I love that quote. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. Friends though fill in the spaces family can't. Friends are there when family can't be. You can say things to friends that you can't to family. You need to have both friends and family. Can you be friends with members of your family? Sure. Can your friends be like a part of your family? Absolutely. But they aren't the same thing. And I believe, I know, you need to have both in order to be a healthy individual. I've had good friends and I've had bad friends. Really bad friends. I love the friends I have right now. And I know exactly who the good apples are.

5. *Coffee* Have I mentioned my obsession with coffee?

6. *Pictures* I love taking pictures. I love being surrounded by the smiling faces of my friends, family and dog. I love looking at the picture and remembering what was happening at that specific moment in time. While I love the digital age and love my digital camera, I miss having to print photos. I miss flipping through a photo album. I love reminiscing about vacations and college and times gone by. I once wanted to go into photography. I had a crappy camera in high school and for my birthday my friends all chipped in a bought me a new camera. I wonder why I decided not to go into photography.. I could have photographed animals.. *sigh*

7. *Reminiscing* I love talking to people and doing "Remember when..." Remember when there was a bat hanging from our dorm room ceiling? Remember when we went snorkeling with sea turtles? Remember when my sneakers smelled so bad I put them on the wind sill and then they filled with snow? Remember when I choked on the steak at our rehearsal dinner and ended up in the ER? Good or bad memories, I love to reminisce and remember.

8. *I love writing this blog* I have no idea how many people actually read this blog. Regardless, I love having it as a way to get things off my mind. I love having a way to take all of the "stuff" in my head and putting it down on, well not paper, but, you know. And its free! Its like free therapy and I think its great.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Elmo in da house

*You need to pretend that it says "SOLD" on this sign*
Congratulations to my dear friends, D, B (and K!) on selling their house after 4 short (or were they long?) weeks on the market. I wish them the best of luck in finding the house of their dreams, a house in which they can continue to raise their family and grow old together in. Not only do I look forward to helping them rejoice and enjoy their new home, I look forward to not having to look at their stuff in the place where I used to park my car.

My day today began as usual with my coffee, cereal and the Today show. A disturbing phone call from my mom and I decided I didn't want to spend the day home with no plans and no one to talk to but Rex. I wanted to help D prepare for what will probably be the biggest 2nd birthday party in history. An Elmo theme deserves nothing more than an Elmo cake. D and I spent the afternoon recreating Elmo out of cake and icing. It was a fantastic experience. Never would I have thought that so much effort would go into this. Smear some frosting on and that would be the end of it. No, no~ bags and nozzles and dabbing and special food coloring. I was a cake decorating virgin, but a quick learner. Here is the before and after.

Between cake decorating and playing with one of my favorite (almost) two year olds ~even though she told me I could NOT ride on her swing~ I pine for a child even more today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sometimes I have an irrational fear that Rex doesn't like me as much as he likes L. While this could very well be true, I also know there's not a whole lot I can do about it as he is a dog. He perks right up whenever L is in the room or enters a room. Today for example, Rex laid around and slept all day long. Didn't play, didn't bark, just slept. As soon as L pulled in the driveway, he bounced up. Barking, jumping, craziness. I mean, I know Rex loves me. I feed him, I walk him, I play with him. He listens to me more than he does L. But it just never ceases to make my heart drop a bit when his eyes and ears perk up when L walks into the room. I know though that I need to get over this before a child enters our lives. Heaven help me, or us for that matter, if I am constantly worried that my child loves their father more than me.

I saw this sign on our way home from Maryland. I wonder if Barry Manilow ever thought his name would be on the same billboard as Beyonce's. Or maybe the better question is, did Beyonce ever think her name would be on the same billboard as Manilow?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Ridiculous Purchase

This is a dog biscuit. I paid $2.50 for it. What's worse, Rex wouldn't even eat it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pubes and funnel cake

Personal hygiene is an interesting thing. It is, as the name says, personal. However it is something that everything around you sees and experiences with you. For example, yesterday at the pool a woman had very, how shall we say... unkempt pubic hair. Unkempt like I have never seen before. You couldn't help but stare, and think "Isn't she embarrassed?" I get stubble down there and I'm embarrassed. Very interesting. Weird and a bit scarring, but interesting. This same individual when jogging in the morning and got all sweaty because it is wicked hot even at 7am. Then, instead of taking a shower, she jumped in the pool to cool off. Ew. Other people go in that pool. Granted, little kids are probably peeing in there, but she's a grown adult. Gross. It all somehow makes me more conscious of my own personal hygiene.

L and I had our second vacation funnel cake. He insisted on eating it with a fork and knife, but ended up making an even bigger mess that way. Funnel cake makes me happy.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brothers and Sisters

Families are funny. Not funny haha, but funny interesting. Its been 31 years and I still haven't figured out my own and now I've also got L's to try and figure out. Families are funny. My brother is six years younger than me. For many years he was my best friend. We did all kinds of things together. Our favorite was Rosie's diner. We'd sit and eat fried food and chat. We had a lot in common and we enjoyed each other's company. My brother is a great person; he's funny, he's smart, he's very caring. Unfortunately, I don't think my brother knows or realizes any of those things about himself. In the last year and a half, my brother has become very sad and depressed. Very anxious about everything. Physically he is fairly healthy, mentally he is not. He is not the same person I once sat and chatted with. He has a family who love him very much, but he can't seem to see that. No one seems to know what to do for him. It is very difficult to watch someone you love be so unhappy, and know that there is little you can do. He's a wonderful person. I hope that he realizes that soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bring on the relaxation!

After two days and eleven hours of driving, we have arrived in Ocean City, Maryland. We visited with family in Baltimore yesterday, and saw the home of Charm City Cakes; Ace of Cakes on Food Network. We drove five hours to the beach, swam in the ocean, ate funnel cake, ate fried chicken and walked the entire length of the boardwalk. We are exhausted to say the least. Tomorrow's plan is to sleep in, take in some sun, and start reading my new book. Not worrying, not stressing. I plan to eat funnel cake and decompress.