Saturday, January 15, 2011


I think our dogs are trying to prepare us for what is ahead.

Let me rephrase that~ Penny is trying to prepare us for what is ahead.

Every night for the last month or so, at 3:30am, she sits at the side of our bed and cries. "Go lie down." I say. And she does, for about 2 minutes. Then she comes back and paws at the bed. "Go lie down." Then she goes out to the living room and wakes up Rex. He in turn growls at her, and gets up off the couch. He sits in the door way of our bedroom and I say "Go lie down." And he does, because he's a good boy. But Penny continues to cry and paw and be a pain in the rear. Finally L says, "Should I take her out? Maybe she has to pee?" And I say that I don't like this habit we are getting into with her. He'll lay in bed for a minute longer and then finally gets up and takes her out. She pees and everyone goes back to sleep.

I don't like that a 30 pound dog is dictating our sleep habits, but I do love my dog.

I also don't like that my husband is enabling our 30 pound dog to dictate our sleep habits. But that's a different story all together, isn't it.

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