Friday, November 18, 2011

Infant 2

At daycare, they have two infant rooms. One for little babies and one for babies who are more mobile maybe even walking. Michael is the oldest one in Infant 1 and his girlfriend Charlotte is the second oldest. Every once in a while when the numbers are low in I2, Michael and Charlotte will go over with "the big kids". I like when he's over there; they are able to do more fun things because the kids are a little bit older. (I also like the teacher better.) This morning when I dropped him off, the teacher from I2 was there and told me that two of her kids moved up to the toddler room and that they would start transitioning him into her room next week. That's great, I said. She explained to me about what would happen and I looked at my boy and said, cause you're a big boy! And he smiled and giggled.

Part of me feels like I should be said about this. That I should want him to be a baby forever. But I don't want him to be a baby forever. I love this age and I will love the ages coming up. While I don't look forward to the temper tantrums and atttitude, I am looking forward to doing things with him.
I am looking forward to enjoying him grow up.


  1. I can't speak from parenthood experience, but with 9 nieces and nephews (shhhh! gonna be 10 in 2012... can you guess who's expecting? I'm the only privileged family member who knows so far!) I can speak with some experience. You're right - every stage is SO. MUCH. FUN. Enjoy every second. He'll be finishing up his 1st semester of college before you know it (like Josh!). PS... I saw "Infant 2" as the title of this post and automatically assumed you were announcing Babe # 2!

  2. Oh my, he is so so sweet. :) And SO big!
