Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks

On Saturday Gordo took me to a Yankee game. We drove to the Bronx, the weather was great and we had a great day.
What you need to understand here is that I grew up in a house without sports. My father would find more enjoyment from removing his own eye with a spoon than to sit and watch sports on TV, let alone go to an actual game. And due to my father's lack of interest in sports, my brother has zero interest. I take that back, my brother tried his hand at golf for a while, but is golf really a sport?

Everything I know about sports I learned from friends and boyfriends throughout the years. Gordo likes to watch a lot of different sports. He's a Yankee's fan, so that is what I now associate myself with (sorry girls!). We are avid UConn football fans. My first introduction to football was as I sat with the marching band, and now I faithfully attend every game. Who knew? Four years ago I couldn't tell you a single baseball player, today I could tell you almost the entire Yankee line up. Seriously, who knew?

By the way, what the hell was New York thinking when they created a law that calorie counts have to be posted on menus?? All the vendors at the stadium had the calorie counts up! I don't want to know how many calories are in my really tasty pretzel! (over 600 btw) Come on NY, let me enjoy my snacks!!!

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