Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I should try to spend my time thinking about more important things

Does anyone else find it odd when you go into a woman's bathroom stall, after someone has just walked out, and the seat is up? What is that about? There's an aide here at school who is notorious for this and if it weren't for her two sons that attend our school, I'd seriously think she's a man in sheep's clothing. Humm.. Something to think about.

Does it bother anyone else when strands of their long hair fall out and get stuck to their shirt, tickling their arms in this now short sleeve weather. Many minutes of my day lately are spent looking for the rogue piece of hair that it taunting me, probably stuck to my back so I can't see it. I don't even want to think about how ridiculous I must look trying to locate said piece of hair. I picture it in my mind now and it reminds me of when Penny chases her tail, never quite able to catch it. I may need to evaluate why my hair is falling out in the first place.

Sorry for the lack of picture in this post. I am writing~ GASP~ from school!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I am SO always looking for "said" piece of hair!!!! you crack me up. This post is seinfeld-worthy!

  2. Dee says....
    Kerry you are so right. I always have that piece of hair. The funniest thing is B asked me to pick it off of him this very morning.
